Monday, May 20, 2013

Vision Trip to Cameroon

by Craig
            Hi!  Thank you for taking a look at our blog.  For those of you who don’t know us very well my wife and I are Christians.  We are children of God, saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.  Our desire is to tell people about salvation through Jesus Christ in a foreign country so that more people will worship and love him with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. 
Our dream is to move to Cameroon, Africa to share the good news of Jesus with an unreached people group (less than 2.5% Christians).  The group we are considering doesn’t have the Bible or even a written language yet in their tribal tongue.  That’s one of the reasons we want to work with them.  Craig wants to work on a team of Bible translators that will hopefully translate the entire Bible for them in our lifetime.  Allison may have a hand in the translation work as well but she certainly wants to use her skills as a registered nurse and extremely compassionate person.   
            Already a team of dedicated believers from our local church in Louisville, KY is forming that will go to share the gospel with an unreached people in Cameroon.  This team will be made up of more than just Bible Translators.  We are praying for more people to join and be Bible teachers of various kinds: church planters, evangelists, and those who will disciple new Christians.  But before our family can join them we must go on a short vision trip (about eight days) to Cameroon.  While we are there we will meet some of the people from the unreached people group I mentioned above, talk with them, and pursue God’s guidance as to whether He would have us work with them.  During this trip we will also meet other people already working to share the gospel in Cameroon among other people groups.  These missionaries are from our missions organization, World Team.  We will get to know them, and they'll get to know us so that we can all know if we (the Allens) are a good fit for working a long side them. 
            Our vision trip is mainly what this first blog is about.  Our vision trip is coming up VERY soon.  We leave May 23rd and come back on June 2nd.  During and before our trip we seriously need your help!  Please pray for us.  At many points in our lives Allison and I have seen that God truly answers prayers.  Craig prayed for a good wife and he got a great one, Allison prayed for a house with a yard for our children and we now rent an extremely affordable house with a huge backyard.  There are many many other prayers we have seen answered individually and together.  God hears and answers prayers.  Would you please consider praying along side us for our vision trip.  If you can, please lift up these prayer requests: 

1) That we would be filled to the brim with the Holy Spirit so that we can love the people of Africa and the workers that are already there.
2) That Allison and I would know if this is where God would have us serve.
3) That Allison and I wouldn't get sick or lose any of our baggage. 

            We can’t afford to take this trip lightly.  It will determine the course of the rest of our lives.  But oh the power of Jesus to answer our prayers and give us guidance during out trip!  We are confident that we will arrive home from Africa with praises and thanksgiving because he will have given us more than we asked or imagined! (Ephesians 3:20)  Thank you thank you thank you so much for reading our blog.